Sunday, 15 September 2024


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The swearing-in ceremony of the newly admitted foreign students of the University of Szeged ended with a fun party on Thursday evening. The hundred of international students who appeared on Dugonics Square were greeted by Prof. Dr. Péter Zakar, SZTE's vice-rector for international and public relations, as well as the Deans of the faculties and the managers responsible for international relations. According to the university's long-standing tradition, foreign first-year students were awarded with the START scholarships to help start their studies at SZTE this year.

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The University of Szeged is one of Hungary’s leading and internationally ranked higher education institutions.

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Students about us


Our student, Bálint Magyar, is studying to become a trumpet teacher, but he is also a member of the Stundets' Union of the National University of Public Services. We also asked about his musical life, his studies and his dutie at Stundets' Union of the National University of Public Services of University of Szeged Bela Bartok Faculty of Arts.

Students about us
2023. February 15.
2023. January 31.
2022. September 29.

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