Saturday, 27 July 2024


Hong Yixuan about us

Hong Yixuan, graduated this summer from our faculty's classical instrumentalist master’s program majoring in flute.

We asked her about her experiences during the time spent at our Institution.

What had encouraged you to come to Hungary, especially to Szeged for your University studies?

When I was 16 years old I travelled through Hungary with my school orchestra and I was so taken by the beauty of the Danube, the warmth of the Hungarian people and the unique Hungarian music that I decided to come and study music in Hungary. I am very susceptible to the weather, so I decided to study in the Sunshine of Szeged. While browsing the web I came across a video of Dr.Laura varga performing and it made me very eager to learn from this teacher. So I chose the Béla Bartók Faculty of Arts,University of Szeged

Have the years spent at Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts met your expectations?

The years I have spent at the Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts have been more unexpected than they have lived up to your expectations. First of all in terms of playing the flute, I have learnt technique and playing methods, and most importantly I have learnt how to express music, how to work with others and to experience many different types and periods of music. At the same time, I got a feel for the different ways of education in China and Hungary and gained many opportunities to play.

In terms of living abroad, I have met many enthusiastic students and teachers. Whenever I was in trouble, both the teachers who taught me and the teachers in the school office were always eager to help me at the first opportunity. Even teachers who had never taught me before were happy to greet me and chat with me. At the same time, I have made many good friends from different countries at school. Since I am a foreigner, they always take care of me when I come from a foreign country. Sometimes when I encounter a situation where only Hungarian is spoken, they will be by my side and tell me in English with a new translation. Even my friends who are not good at using English make an effort to communicate with me and help me out. So I have gained a lot of good memories from the years I spent at Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts.

How would you describe the years spent at the University of Szeged?

I would describe the years spent at the University of Szeged as a journey full of many 'firsts'. First of all it was the first time I left home and studied alone, so there was a lot of discomfort and unfamiliarity at first. I met foreign friends for the first time at the University of Szeged, performed with the school orchestra in an unfamiliar country for the first time, took care of my life for the first time and started to do a lot of things for the first time. So I think these five years have seen me grow up a lot. These many firsts include many happy memories as well as sad ones. I am now very grateful to have come to study at the University of Szeged, which has given me many different experiences.


What experience could be highlighted as the most memorable for you?

I think is my diploma concert. It is no exaggeration to say that I studied at the University of Szeged Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts for this moment. Especially because my undergraduate concert was cancelled due to the epidemic, this Master's Diploma Concert meant even more to me. The concert encompassed my five years of study, the teachers in the audience who witnessed my growth, and the good friends I met during my study career who gathered in this concert hall to see me perform. I am very grateful to the teachers and friends I have met over the past five years, who have enriched my life and memories. And the master diploma concert was an event that brought together all these people who are precious to me, so it is the experience could be highlighted as the most memorable for me.


In addition to this, how would you describe the professional knowledge you acquired at our University?

I think I have acquired a very professional knowledge of flute playing. My teacher Dr. Laura Varga has taught me many useful things such as musical expression, how to make the tone brighter, the use of techniques according to the different styles of the period, etc. In addition to the lessons, Laura also organised many student concerts to enhance my playing experience and after the concerts she would comment on the strengths and weaknesses of each student so that they could learn and improve their weaknesses. At the same time, my piano accompanist Klebniczki Gyorgy tells me about the style and characteristics of each period of the repertoire and how to play in an ensemble. In addition to this, the chamber music lessons allowed me to learn in depth how to work with them and what details need to be taken care of in a repertoire piece. The most interesting thing I think was the orchestra rehearsals, where our conductor focused more on the works of modern Hungarian composers being heard by a wider audience than the popular and famous ones, so we played a lot of modern works full of Hungarian musical characteristics and dissonant elements.


What do you think to what extent will the knowledge gained here lay the foundation for your professional future?

I think to what extent will the knowledge gained here lay the foundation for your professional future? I didn't know much about music and flute playing before I started here, so the teachers at the University of Szeged, especially my flute teacher Dr. Laura Varga, have been the foundation for my musical studies. So I think what I learned at the University of Szeged was very important.


Would you recommend other foreign students to come and study at the Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts?

I would recommend it to foreign students. First of all, they will definitely get a very big boost in the profession they are studying. They can feel the difference from what they have studied before and the way they were taught, and they can learn how to express music. Secondly, the teachers at the University of Szeged, the Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts are very responsible and patient, they will be very eager to help you and see your progress step by step.


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