Monday, 09 September 2024

Department for String

Head of Department:


Dr. István Kosztándi - Associate Professor (Main subject violin, Chamber music)


Department Lecturers:

Balázs András Arnóth - College Associate Professor

Zoltán Benedekfi - Visiting Lecturer

Andrea Bozóki - College Associate Professor

- Main subject guitar, Chamber music

Sándor Dárdai - Visiting Lecturer

- Main subject guitar

Péter Girán - Assistant Lecturer


- Main subject guitar, Chamber music, Methodology

Sebestyén Ludmány - Teacher of Music-Performance

Péter Masopust - Visiting Lecturer

- Chamber music

Dr. Éva Mihályi - Senior Lecturer


- Main subject violin, Kamarazene

Orsolya Mód - Assistant Lecturer

- Main subject cello

Ildikó Németh-Czirok - Visiting Lecturer

- Flow in music

Dr. Miklós Dávid Pavlovits  - College Associate Professor


- Main subject guitar, Improvisation, Chamber music

Péter Somorjai - Visiting Lecturer

Ferenc Szecsődi - Professor 


Apply Now!

Before applying, please check and study the programme description of your interest. Each description has its specific paragraph about the application process and a link to the online application platform. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and check your mailbox regularly.

For more information click here.