
Future of Work - EUGLOH

This course, comprised of online group workshops, self-study, self-organized group work and flexible on demand coaching sessions, aims to equip you with skills for your future work life.

Future of Work

Your career in a changing and intercultural work environment

Date: 24 Jun 2020 — 29 Jun 2020

Location: Online

Target Group: Students of all levels and fields

Host: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

This course, comprised of online group workshops, self-study, self-organized group work and flexible on demand coaching sessions, aims to equip you with skills for your future work life.

  • Insights on how the work environment is due to change (“Future of Work”) based on technology and innovation and how it also affects healthcare policymaking
  • Skills to be adaptable and flexible for an ongoing change in the work place
  • Knowledge on navigating a more complex more intercultural work environment

For further information please click here.

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